my lecture is integrated with secretary, and i have some information about secretary especially the duties and responsibilies,, lets check friends :)
Duties and Responsibilities ^^
good secretary is essential for any
Key Club if it is going to function in a proper way. The office of the
secretary is one
of the most demanding in the Key
Club organization.
the hands of the secretary are all of the records, files, and details
that are important for the smooth operation
of the Key Club. The best way for a
secretary-elect to start is to watch and learn from the present club
secretary. He/she
will be able to give advice and
hints on how to best handle the job. A secretary needs to be prompt,
neat, and efficient.
Duties and Responsibilities
for Key Club
records. This means that the
secretary must be organized in his/her approach, and Key Club records
must be kept up to
date and in good order. The
secretary's Key Club record file should include the following:
Club bylaws
Key Club Guidebook
District constitution and bylaws
Minutes of all club meetings-regular and board meetings
Committee reports
List of committee chairs and members
Clubs past achievement reports
Clubs past monthly reports
Club roster having the following information for each member:
Members full name, home address, and e-mail address
Telephone number
Date of birth
Date of joining Key Club
Committee assignments and offices held in Key Club
Chief interest in Key Club work
Chief interest in sports and hobbies
Names and addresses of present Key Club officers
Copies of current and past KEYNOTER magazines and district publications
Complete set of printed material and Key Club literature
items listed above
are those normally found in
up-to-date Key Club files. These are important. Take a look through the
files you have,
and if any of these items are
missing, please write or phone the appropriate source for copies.
Club Secretarys Checklist
Weekly Duties
all meetings and compose the official minutes.
Answer all correspondence promptly, and inform officers
and advisors of the communication.
Monthly Duties
· Prepare board of directors meeting agenda with president.
· Attend the board meeting and take the minutes.
· Collect the monthly committee reports.
· Submit monthly report to the district.
· Send newsworthy articles to the district publication
and KEYNOTER magazine.
Annual Duties
· Receive all materials from the past club secretary.
· Inventory all Key Club property.
· Make a Key Club file with reports, bulletins, and manuals.
· Produce a club membership directory.
· Help choose the convention delegates, candidates, and
contestants, and take care of all materials and monies (if applicable) relating to them.
· Work with the president in completing the Annual Achievement
and Single Service Reports for your Key Club.
· Notify the district and International offices of your
new club officers for the next year.
· Assist the secretary-elect and pass on all Key Club
materials to him/her after your term of office.
The Secretarys Role During Meetings
· During
club and board meetings, the secretary should
be prepared to document all club and
board meeting activity by maintaining an attendance log and
transcribing minutes.
The writing of minutes is described
· A
form to document meeting and project attendance should
be created. Record each time a
member attends a club meeting or project. When a member participates
in a service project,
document on a service hour report
the number of hours he/she participated.
· The
secretary also is responsible for assisting the
club president in developing meeting
agendas. The secretary, with the president, should identify topics
that need to
be addressed during each meeting.
· The
secretary should be prepared to present a secretarys
report during board meetings, as
well as present the monthly report for approval by the board. The club
secretary is
a voting board member and should
vote on all issues presented by the board of directors.
The secretary should record
the following about each regular Key Club meeting:
- Number of members present
- Names of those absent
- List of guests attending
- Presiding officer
- Speaker and subject
- Dues collected from whom (if applicable)
- Committee reports-written and oral
- Announcements
- Any motions or decisions acted upon by the membership
Keep minutes of all meetings
of the board of directors. Help the president prepare an agenda for each of these.
all club correspondence,
and especially give prompt attention
to communications from the district and Key Club International offices.
Write or phone the Key
Club International Office for any bulletins or club supplies needed.
Maintain official club
district convention
registration fees to proper place
and send Key Club International convention registration fees to
appropriate address.
Collect reports from committee
Send names, addresses,
and phone numbers of newly elected officers to the district administrator.
to it that news items
concerning your club are sent to the
editors of the district publication and KEYNOTER magazine.
Assist the secretary-elect
in becoming acquainted with his/her duties.
Writing Minutes
are the journal
for the proceedings of a meeting.
Minutes should record the action taken at the meeting, not what was said
by the members.
The minutes should never reflect
the secretarys opinion on anything said or done.
Contents of the Minutes
The first paragraph of
the minutes should contain the following information:
· Type of meeting: club, board, regularly scheduled,
specially called
· Date, time, and location of the meeting
· List of those present and those absent
· Identification of the chair (typically the club president
or vice-president) and secretary
· Specification of whether the minutes of the previous
meeting were approved as read or as corrected
body of the minutes
should contain a separate paragraph
for each subject discussed and acted upon. Specify the exact words of
the motion,
the maker of the motion, and the
action taken on the motion amended, passed, rejected, tabled, or
withdrawn. Describe
how the motion was adopted or
disposed of and whether the motion was debated or amended before being
adopted or rejected.
Also, document secondary motions,
such as a recess or setting a fixed time to adjourn the meeting. The
last paragraph
should state the hour of
Rules and Practices for Writing Minutes
· The name of the seconder of a motion should not be
entered in the minutes unless ordered by the assembly.
· When
a count has been ordered or the vote is by ballot,
the number of votes on each side
should be entered. When the voting is by roll call, the names of those
voting on each
side and those answering, present
should be entered. If members fail to respond to a roll call vote,
enough of their
names should be recorded as present
as to reflect that a quorum was present at the time of the vote. If
the chair voted,
no special mention of this fact is
made in the minutes.
· The
proceedings of a committee of a whole, that is
the board of directors, breaks into
an open discussion about a topic without making any motions, should not
be entered in
the minutes, but the fact that the
board went into a committee of the whole, as well as the committee
report, should be entered.
· When
a committee report is of great importance or should
be recorded to show the legislative
history of a measure, the board can order it to be entered in the
minutes, in which case
the secretary copies it in full into
the minutes.
Monthly Report
ODKCI requires
that clubs submit a monthly report
detailing the Key Clubs activities during the previous month. These
report forms are
included on this website under
resources. Clubs should refer to their reports to evaluate their
progress toward club goals.
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